Improves cost efficiencies

Supports decarbonization

Cloud-based integrated solution

Optimizes fleet operations & performance

Actionable insights for intelligent business planning

smartOps is an advanced analytics platform that supports
the optimization of vessel operations

As environmental, regulatory and commercial requirements for shipping become more complex, digital tools have become a necessity to accurately monitor vessel performance, reduce emissions, and optimize voyage results

To address this challenge, MariApps developed smartOps, a cloud-based integrated solution comprised of intuitive set of tools to achieve emission targets by optimizing operational efficiencies, also provides actionable data insights to enhance vessel performance and aids in adapting to highly customizable proactive vessel alert system.

smartOps is easy to deploy, use and scale. It runs on data logged through its advanced vessel application or through integration with any existing reporting system, enriched by position and weather data, as well as telemetry wherever available. Each vessel is benchmarked against its own tailored digital twin, and the results are presented in a simple and user-friendly manner, both onboard and ashore

To optimize your vessel operations
with smartOps

Explore how smartOps can help lower CO2 emissions through
advanced analytics and actionable data insights


Voyage optimization and weather routing
improves safety while lowering emissions
and costs
  • Global overview including prevailing and predicted weather
  • Overlay of constraint areas with addition and proximity controls
  • Route and trim optimisation
  • Fuel consumption per grade and consumer
  • Onboard power management at sea, port and manoeuvring
  • Emissions, cargo and transport work statistics & KPIs
  • CII calculation and future projection on fleet and vessel level

Route file integration

SmartOps integrates any route file created by the vessel or weather optimised route provided by the Charterer or Operator.


Advanced analytics propel your fleet’s
efficiency and reliability forward.

  • Holistic fleet & vessel performance rating
  • Tailored digital twin benchmarking
  • Hull & propeller condition analytics including inspection recommendations
  • Accurate, actual speed & consumption description
  • Charter party compliance monitoring
  • Engine performance analytics including fault diagnostics and prescriptive recommendations
  • 2 & 4 stroke, dual fuel support
  • Guided, engine-specific cylinder oil optimisation


Safeguard your vessel performance with
proactive alerts

  • Vessel specific, based on tailored digital twin
  • Configurable to your requirements
  • Automatically escalating based on criticality
  • Delivered on your desktop, as well as on your mobile
  • Concurrently available onboard with ship/shore chat function


Round the clock supervision of your fleet
by our experts.
  • Continuous monitoring of your fleet’s navigation and performance
  • Round-the-clock support by seasoned mariners
  • Immediate and direct engagement when issues occur
  • Proactive analysis of performance with recommendations
  • First level emergency response assistance

CII Calculator

Manage CII tracking and cooperation with
vessel charterers.
  • CII Prediction for the next voyage based on weather and auxiliary consumption forecasts
  • Uploaded routes can provide precise CII estimates and weather forecasts throughout the journey
  • ME consumptions calculated considering degradation from the reference curves

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