Carbon Intensity Indicator

  • Calculate
  • Monitor
  • Improve
 Your CII Rating

What is CII?

CII Carbon Intensity Indicator is a critically important operational measure in vessels indicating transport efficiency and is applicable to vessels over 5000GT. This index estimation includes traveled distance, annual fuel consumed by the vessel, and the holding capacity. Based on the unit of measure CO2, the vessel is given a rating from A to E.

IMO has mandated the submission of attained CII values and ratings. Ideally, a vessel should exhibit a rating of C or above. Vessels with a D rating for three consecutive years or an E rating in a single year need to submit a corrective action plan as part of the SEEMP.

smartOps CII Features


smartOps incorporates and presents detailed CII dashboards with
user-friendly visual infographics through which you can
compare, analyze, and identify vessels that need to be proactively attended.

  • Get voyage-wise, monthly and YTD CII overview along with the set targets
  • View the accurate CII values by accounting for the Correction Factors
  • Obtain a fleet-wide overview of CII ratings and comparison
  • Forecast CII for the coming years
  • Identify fleet vessels that need attention
  • Monitor and compare actual CII values against set targets


In view of the regulatory requirements and commercial commitments attached to CII ratings, it has become crucial for ship owners, managers, and charterers to forecast and improve CII performance through operational approaches. To improve CII values, smartOps provides an array of data insights through fuel consumption, weather, and routing.

  • Calculate CII prediction for the upcoming voyage as impacted by forecasted weather
  • Upload route files and get accurate CII calculations along with weather forecasts through the route
  • Get the most accurate CII predictions of the main engine consumption, estimated based on the actual vessel performance
  • Obtain guidance on optimal speed to achieve the target CII for an upcoming voyage
  • Use the route optimization tool to compare multiple routes with the corresponding CII projections for the same vessel


With the smartOps CII simulator, you can simulate and forecast annual CII values based on the expected activity profile of the vessel. Prepare and make operational decisions for the upcoming year by using the simulator tool.

This tool simulates CII values by combining various operation parameters.
  • Idling and sailing days
  • Percentage of Laden and Ballast voyages
  • Average speed in Laden and Ballast voyages
  • Different fuel types used onboard
  • Main engine consumption based on the current hull condition
  • Speed advisory & consumption limits based on the target CII for the year and amount of fuel consumed so far

Explore how to improve CII ratings



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How can smartOps CII calculator help my company?

As mandated by IMO, post 1st January 2023, the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating of every ship is calculated on a yearly basis, based on the annual fuel consumption and annual distance traveled. The CII determines the annual reduction factor needed to ensure continuous improvement of a ship’s operational carbon intensity within a specific rating level. Through smartOps CII dashboard, calculator, and simulator features you can monitor, calculate, and simulate the CII rating for all your ships, allowing you to check and improve your carbon intensity rating.

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Does the smartOps CII dashboard provide an overview of CII values and ratings for the entire fleet?

Yes, with the CII dashboard, you can compare voyage-wise data, compare actual CII values versus target values, explore fleet-wide CII ratings, forecast CII values, and identify vessels in the fleet that needs attention. You can access and gather all your data, from all vessels in one user-friendly surface.

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What data insights does smartOps CII calculator provide?

smartOps CII calculator helps you monitor and assess your fleet’s accurate CII value predictions, based on the ship’s actual condition and the intended voyage plan. Additionally, it advises the optimal speed to attain a target CII rating and you can compare multiple routes with the corresponding CII value projection.

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What is the use of the CII simulator for my fleet?

By using smartOps CII simulator you can simulate and forecast annual CII values based on the actual activity profile of a vessel. This will help users to understand the changes required in the current operating profile of the vessel to achieve better a CII rating for the rest of the year as well as upcoming years.

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Can I access CII dashboard from smartOps at any time?

smartOps CII dashboard is accessible both onboard the vessel and at shore offices. Our support team will guide you during the implementation process on how to access and use the feature anytime, anywhere.

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